Dr. Sofia Vallecorsa, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Thursday, November 5, 2020, 12:30 PM (Pacific Time)
This talk is part of the UW Physics Elementary Particle Experiment (EPE) series.
Dr. Sofia Vallecorsa is a CERN physicist with extensive experience on software development in the High Energy Physics domain. Dr. Vallecorsa coordinates the Quantum Computing area of the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative, recently established. She is also responsible for Deep Learning and Quantum Computing research within CERN openlab, which is a unique public-private partnership between CERN and leading ICT companies. Before joining openlab, Dr. Vallecorsa has been responsible for the development of Deep Learning based technologies for the simulation of particle transport through detectors at CERN and she has worked on code modernization projects in the field of Monte Carlo simulation.
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, operates the largest particle accelerator in the world and has a long tradition of collaboration and excellence in fundamental physics research. Quantum Technologies have seen an incredible development over just the last few years in all their aspects, computing, sensing, communications, and theory. After a few years of pilot investigations, CERN has announced the creation of its Quantum Technology Initiative to understand the potential of these technologies for High Energy Physics, but also to contribute to their future development. This talk highlights the main objectives and current activities of the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative. A special emphasis will be placed on the Quantum Computing aspect and the activities carried out by CERN openlab, outlining the initial investigations that use quantum machine learning in High Energy Physics.