The UW is internationally renowned in research areas that are critical to the success of QuantumX, which includes quantum information science, quantum sensing, quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum encryption. Find quantum-related publications by UW faculty and collaborators here.
The UW’s areas of strength related to QuantumX include: Quantum Materials (e.g. two-dimensional materials), Quantum Photonics (the interactions between light and materials), Quantum Sensing (including axion-search experiments, radiation detection and quantum-defect field sensing), Quantum Chemistry, Quantum Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Computational Physics, Quantum Simulation using High-Performance Computing.
The UW’s expertise in these areas are distributed across the UW campus, residing mainly in Departments of Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Material Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The research is further supported by state-of-the-art cross-campus user facilities including:
- The Washington Nanofabrication Facility for device fabrication
- The Molecular Analysis Facility for materials characterization
- Hyak for high performance computing
- The MEM-C Shared Facilities (MRSEC) for materials development and characterization